Antony C.

Educated as an Systems Design Engineer (B.A.Sc.), I used my love of photography and technical skills to get a job at Kodak Canada in the mid-1980s. I received a Masters of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree in the late 1990s. As the photography world moved from film to digital in the mid-1990s, I migrated my equipment from film cameras to early digital cameras and started the website in 2001.

I photograph the world using the latest digital technology … from cameras to lenses to image processing. There is no doubt that that the travel bug bit early in my life and I continue to enjoy visiting different countries trying to capture different cultures, unique light and scenes that are different from my home in Canada. Of course, I also enjoy the things that photography cannot capture while traveling … such as food, sounds and smiles of the people I meet.

Travel photography is one of the most satisfying parts of my artistic life. Capturing the world through my lens continues to be the best way for me to relax and express myself artistically.

The older I get, the more I realize what I don’t know about photography and I am always curious to learn new techniques and new ways to look at life visually. I find it funny that I thought I knew everything about photography in the 70s and 80s … but now I know what I don’t know! The best part of photography for me is the marriage of technology with art… you need knowledge of both to make a good photograph.

Antony’s personal website is located here


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